Research Centers
Our research centers' fields of expertise range from cybersecurity to materials testing to clean energy. For more information on these research centers or to discuss collaborative opportunities, contact one of our research center directors listed below.
Daigle Labs
Est. 2023
Daigle Labs conducts academic research on how to build businesses in emerging markets, how to build businesses around emerging technology, and how to build AI into organizations. Daigle Labs also has an applied side to its work that includes a program that helps businesses organize to maximize environmentally sustainable revenue growth. They also experiment with building businesses around new science and technology, specializing in sustainable agriculture and waste, artificial intelligence and computing, and energy and transportation. Daigle Labs leverages a global network to help organizations expand into new markets. The Lab collaborates with companies of all sizes, offering custom software, AI capabilities, and unique coaching services. By focusing on dynamic strategies, Daigle Labs aids clients in reducing carbon footprints, improving industry practices, and boosting sales through energy efficiency and technology upgrades.
Nursing and Engineering Innovation Center
Est. 2023
The Nursing and Engineering Innovation Center connects nurses and engineers early in the design process to develop effective healthcare technologies. This collaboration ensures that new technologies address real-world clinical challenges and meet the practical needs of end-users. The Center focuses on user-centered design, integrating nurses' on-the-ground insights with engineers' technical expertise. Through research, education, community engagement, and technology transfer, the Center aims to enhance the impact of healthcare innovations and improve patient care. The Nursing and Engineering Innovation Center seeks to build partnerships that explore and expand this collaborative approach to solving healthcare problems.
Center for Excellence in Sensor Technology and Diagnosis
Est. 2023
The Center for Excellence in Sensor Technology and Diagnosis is dedicated to advancing sensor technology research and applications. Bridging academia and industry, the center features a multidisciplinary team of experts in chemistry, biomedical engineering, chemical and biomolecular engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and materials and environmental science. The center focuses on five core sensor clusters:
- Wearable sensors and biosensors for real-time health data and proactive health management.
- Remote sensing technology for monitoring crop health and optimizing water use in agriculture and sustainability.
- Environmental and soil sensors for precise and sustainable resource management.
- Research in device fabrication and signal processing to develop precise sensors for healthcare and other critical applications.
The center contributes to Connecticut’s high-tech economy through collaborative industry projects and innovative sensor solutions.
Southern New England Industrial Training and Assessment Center
Est. 2023
The Southern New England Industrial Training and Assessment Center (ITAC) is a federally funded program sponsored by the Department of Energy that provides energy audits and conservation recommendations to small-to-medium enterprises in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island. The ITAC's team of faculty and students conducts free on-site assessments to identify opportunities for reducing energy costs related to electricity consumption, heat generation, waste production, equipment efficiency, and operational efficiency. After a remote study and a one or two-day site visit for data collection, the center delivers a confidential report with recommendations and best practices. The ITAC follows up within six to nine months to track progress and explore further study opportunities. Annually, over 500 engineering students receive hands-on training at industrial sites, enhancing their skills for the job market.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Center for Advanced Microscopy and Materials Analysis
Est. November 2014
Thermo Fisher Scientific Center for Advanced Microscopy and Materials Analysis (CAMMA) is one of the world’s foremost facilities for electron microscopy. Its nine microscopy instruments include the Titan Themis for sub-angstrom analysis of materials and the Talos TEM for simultaneous quantitative energy dispersive spectroscopy and analysis of the chemical composition of materials. CAMMA equipment will be available for collaborative research with industry partners, including applications for clean energy materials and the testing of additively-manufactured components such as those found in medical devices and polymeric materials for biomedical applications.
Pratt & Whitney Additive Manufacturing Center
Est. April 2013
The Pratt & Whitney Additive Manufacturing Center (PW AMC) is a premier facility for metal additive manufacturing. The range of equipment available includes electron beam melting and laser sintering technologies and a suite of thermophysical measurement instruments. PW AMC is focused on the underlying physics of additive manufacturing with emphasis on rapid solidification, powder spreading, and metal-atmosphere interactions. Experiments as well as ab-initio calculations are used to develop new insight into the additive manufacturing process. PW AMC has also addressed control theory with the goal of improving current machine technologies and supports the generation of data for manufacturing simulations.
Pratt & Whitney Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering
Est. October 2013
The Pratt & Whitney Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering (PW IASE) produces, disseminates, and commercializes new science and technology in the field of cyber-physical systems engineering through transformative research, education, and workforce development. The Institute serves as a hub for world-class research, project-based learning by globally-distributed teams of students, and industrial outreach activities focused on model-based systems engineering (MBSE) of complex systems that are built from and are dependent on the synergy of computational and physical components. Research applications are broad, and include, eg, smart buildings and cities, aerospace systems, manufacturing and energy industries, robotics and cybersecurity.
Collins Aerospace Center for Advanced Materials
Est. April 2016
Collins Aerospace Center for Advanced Materials offers educational funding to graduate and undergraduate students as well as post-doctoral fellows. It provides an opportunity for firsthand interactions with an industrial partner whose focus is on advanced aerospace and defense products. The center has three main research thrusts: (1) design and development of custom aerospace alloys that lend themselves to additive manufacturing using computational and experimental tools, (2) processing of high temperature ceramic composites for extreme environments and (3) quasicrystal-strengthened alloys for structural applications.
Eversource Energy Center
Est. October 2015
The Eversource Energy Center (EEC) leads the utility industry in innovating and developing new technologies and science-based solutions to ensure the delivery of reliable power and enhanced risk management associated with cyber and physical infrastructure security. Through research and teaching, the Center is advancing the next generation of storm outage forecasting, best practices for healthy and storm-resistant forest design, and new technologies to proactively pinpoint electric grid operational efficiencies and storm resiliency improvements.
Connecticut Center for Applied Separations Technology
Est. July 2013 (Fraunhofer Center), relaunched spring 2020 (CCAST)
The Connecticut Center for Applied Separations Technology (CCAST) provides contract R&D services that identify energy and cost-efficient solutions for separations needs through thoughtful consideration of innovative materials, differentiating techniques & robust process design.
Proof of Concept Center
Proof of Concept Center (POCC) offers state-of-the-art prototyping and fabrication equipment that facilitate new product development for a wide range of industries.
Sina Shahbazmohamadi, Ph.D.https://www.bme.uconn.edu/faculty-staff/core-faculty/shahbazmohamadi-sina/
Connecticut Manufacturing Simulation Center
Connecticut Manufacturing Simulation Center (CMSC) provides SMMEs with affordable technical assistance for computer-based design, finite element modeling and simulation, testing, and validation, with capabilities in modeling a variety of manufacturing processes, including machining, forming, forging, and casting.
Jeongho Kim
Reverse Engineering Fabrication Inspection & Non-Destructive Evaluation
Est. 2017
Reverse Engineering Fabrication Inspection & Non-Destructive Evaluation (REFINE) lab houses state-of-the-art light, X-ray, electron and ion microscopes. The lab focuses on “correlative microscopy” where information from multiple imaging modalities can be integrated in order to reach a much deeper understanding of imaged samples. REFINE lab's instruments can “talk” to each other, enabling researchers to gain a multi-dimensional, multi-resolution and multi-scale perspective about the studied sample. REFINE is working closely with industries in areas of electronics and hardware security, biomedical devices, batteries and energy storage, aerospace, advanced coatings and additive manufacturing.
Center for Science of Heterogeneous Additive Printing of 3D Materials
Est. July 2018
The Center for Science of Heterogeneous Additive Printing of 3D Materials (SHAP3D) is a named National Science Foundation (NSF) industry/university cooperative research center (I/UCRC) dedicated to additive manufacturing. Co-founded by UConn, UMass Lowell and Georgia Tech, the center strives to develop critical insight into the fundamental structure-processing-property relationships to control the integration of diverse materials, decrease cost and increase reliability at all stages of additive manufacturing. SHAP3D provides a platform in which companies and federal agencies may cost-effectively collaborate on shared, pre-competitive research topics by leveraging R&D investment to access world class facilities, faculty and graduate students.
National Institute for Undersea Vehicle Technology
Est. January 2018
The National Institute for Undersea Vehicle Technology (NIUVT) is a collaborative partnership between government, academia, and industry charged with performing research, developing workforce, and transitioning technology in the undersea domain. The original partners of UConn, the University of Rhode Island (URI) and General Dynamics Electric Boat (EB) founded the institute to enhance performance and reduce costs of the shipbuilding process while ensuring that advanced technologies are implemented into the next generation and future undersea vehicles and platforms. NIUVT combines the talents, equipment, facilities, and experience of its partners to align resources from across sectors for the benefit of national security and economic imperatives. Through its activities, NIUVT will develop the personnel and knowledge needed to accelerate critical research and enhance U.S. superiority in the manned and unmanned undersea domain.
Richard Christenson, Ph.D.
Project Daedalus Air Force Advanced Manufacturing Initiative
Est. August 2018
The Project Daedalus Air Force Advanced Manufacturing Initiative is an ongoing collaboration supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory, with industry partners Pratt & Whitney, Aero Gear, GKN Aerospace, Collins Aerospace and Sikorsky. This effort leverages UConn expertise in machining, casting, heat treating, composites, ceramics, additive manufacturing, state-of-the-art sensing, uncertainty quantification, multiscale modeling, and systems engineering. Our mission is to provide transformative capabilities on manufacturing technologies to the AFRL, OEMs and supply chain to reduce scrap rates and increase yield/performance.
Project Manager
Devin Daignault
UConn DENSsolutions Center for IN-siTu/Operando Electron Microscopy
Est. May 2019
The IN-siTu/Operando Electron Microscopy (InToEM) center is a partnership between UConn and DENSsolutions, an international leading supplier of state-of-the-art MEMS-based In Situ systems. These advanced systems bring stimuli like heating, biasing, gas and liquid into transmission electron microscopes. The InToEM center leverages these technologies to transform transmission electron microscopes from an imaging instrument into a comprehensive research laboratory, at the frontier of materials dynamics research. These new in-situ/operando microscopy capabilities provide promising potential for transformative research in nanomaterials synthesis, heterogeneous catalysis, corrosion and alloy degradation, fuel cells and many other important material systems to our every life.
Center for Materials Processing Data
Est. October 2019
The Center for Materials Processing Data (CMPD) is a research center dedicated to producing and collecting pre-competitive transient material property data used in materials process simulations. It is a multi-university consortium with industry founded by academic members from UConn, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), and the Research Foundation for the State University of New York on behalf of the University at Buffalo (RF), along with ASM International, a non-profit materials science and engineering society (ASM). CMPD is dedicated to the stewardship of materials data for modeling of materials and process design via integrated computational materials engineering. CMPD will serve the needs of the membership organizations by educating future leaders of the industry and disseminating experimentally obtained and verified data to industry.
Connecticut Advanced Computing Center
Connecticut Advanced Computing Center (CACC) its member centers, Comcast Center for Security Innovation (CSI), Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust (CHEST), Synchrony Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity and Voter carry out research in cybersecurity and cryptography. Their mission is to expand theoretical models and the boundary of cybersecurity technology to enable organizations to protect and safe keep the digital assets under their purview as well as enable safe, private, reliable and trustworthy computing in adversarial settings.
CACC Investment: $47,300,000
CO-DIRECTORS: John Chandy, Ph.D., Laurent Michel, Ph.D.
Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust (CHEST) is an industry-supported consortium tackling research issues in hardware security.
Est. 2012
Investment: $12,300,000
DIRECTOR: John Chandy, Ph.D.
Comcast Center for Security Innovation (CSI) focuses on networking products deployed in businesses and homes.
Est. April 2014
Investment: $8,300,000
CO-DIRECTORS: John Chandy, Ph.D., Laurent Michel, Ph.D.
Synchrony Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity addresses threats to financial organizations.
Est. October 2016
Investment $3,400,000
DIRECTOR: Laurent Michel, Ph.D.
Center for Voting Technology Research dedicated to improving the reliability, integrity, and security of electronic voting systems.
Est. 2006
Investment: $9,500,000
DIRECTOR: John Chandy, Ph.D.